Ratatouille with Extra Virgin Olive Oil, the best kept secret of the locals

Tapa de Pisto (verduras) con atún y huevo de codorniz

The ratatouille is a very common and typical dish of Spanish gastronomy, but especially in the gastronomy of the land of Manchego cheese , Castilla la Mancha, because where it originates. The ratatouille from Manchego is a rural cuisine dish that, internationally, we can find similar dishes such as the well-known French ratatouille.

It is ratatouille is a totally vegan recipe, which is very simple to prepare and, in addition, as an essential ingredient for it to be an authentic ratatouille is to give it a good rub with extra virgin olive oil.

Fish and Vegetable Tapa Recipe - The Spanish Food Company

The main ingredients of this dish are all vegetables (red and green peppers, onions, zucchini, aubergine) fried tomato (much better if homemade), all seasoned with extra virgin olive oil and garlic.

There are many possibilities to prepare a delicious dish using the ratatouille as a base, it is perfect to accompany eggs, meat, fish , in short, whatever you want. We are going to propose a very quick recipe with our tuna loin with Mediterranean ratatouille , to prepare a very simple tapa to cook, worthy of a luxury restaurant so that you can surprise your guests.

To prepare this tapa you will need:

  • A can of Tuna with ratatouille.
  • Quail eggs.
  • Thin whole wheat toast.
  • A little Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
  • Salt flakes

Fish and Vegetable Tapa Recipe - The Spanish Food Company

First, place the toasts you have chosen for this recipe on your plate. For this tapas recipe we have used thin whole wheat toast, but you can use Wasa bread, rye, etc.

Then, we will open one of our cans of Olsagasti tuna with ratatouille and heat it in a pan over low-medium heat for 5 minutes.

Once hot, we reserve on a plate, and, without cleaning the pan, we will put a little bit of extra virgin olive oil and we will make our quail eggs (as many as you want to add to your toasts) and once prepared we will reserve.

Now all you have to do is assemble your plate! In the toasts that you have prepared before you put a little of the tuna with ratatouille , on top you place the fried quail egg , and crowns with a little salt flakes.

Healthy fish and egg tapa - The Spanish Food Company

As you can see, creating tasty and quick tapas is very easy, and also, if you choose a good bread, it will be a very healthy fish tapa. And if you also want to give it that touch, I recommend that you accompany it with a sweet white wine , like this one, which is also from La Mancha and is perfect to drink chilled and with fish.

Healthy fish and egg tapa - The Spanish Food Company

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