Recipes with chorizo: Pasta with chorizo, the perfect dish to share
Pasta with chorizo is a recipe where the gastronomic cultures of the Mediterranean are mixed, where by choosing a good Italian pasta (the one you like the most) and a good Iberian chorizo , you can create a unique pasta with Iberian chorizo.
Discover what chorizo is and what are the best recipes to eat it
The Iberian chorizo is a smoked or cured sausage made of pork and spices, the most characteristic being paprika , which is what gives it its intense red color. The chorizo, depending on its degree of healing, can be eaten multiple forms : raw, fried, roasted or even cooked.
The authentic recipe of the Alioli Sauce
Spanish aioli is one of the most famous and used sauces in Spain, due to its great flavor and versatility when it comes to accompanying different recipes.
Having investigated its true origin, it seems that everything points to it being in the Mediterranean.
Manchego Cheese, the star of Spanish tapas
Manchego Cheese is undoubtedly one of the products that gives Spain the most fame in terms of its gastronomy. Find out in this post what are the aspects that you should take into account when buying an authentic Manchego cheese and what gives it its Denomination of Origin.