Where do we send our products?

For now we are only shipping to EU countries, but our intention is that we can ship the products of The Spanish Food Company all over the world.

How much is the shipping?

It will depend on the weight of your order, you can check our shipping rates on our shipping policies page.

When will I recive my order?

Our shipments have a delivery time of 3-5 working days, but now due to the measures against COVID - it could be delayed up to 7 days.

What are the delivery times?

The delivery time slots of our logistics provider are from 8 in the morning to 6 in the afternoon.

What happens if I am not at home when the delivery is to be made?

Don't worry about it, our logistics provider will contact you to see when your order can be delivered.

How can I locate my order?

You can check the status of your order in the following link along with your order number.

What happens if The Spanish Food Company cannot ship all the items in my order?

We ourselves are the ones who control the stock, but in case you buy a product that is no longer available, we will contact you to give you two options. The first, replace that product with one with similar characteristics or the second, refund the amount of the item.

Can I send my order to different addresses?

No, due to logistics we can only make one shipment per order.

Can I add a dedication to my order?

Of course! We love that you give away the products we sell at The Spanish Food Company. You can add the message when you place your order.

How can I change my address or shipping date?

If you have a problem with a specific delivery date or address, contact us through thisform as soon as possible to be able to manage the shipment with the company in charge of the shipment.