Uva blanca de verdejo - Vino blanco español ecológico y vegano - The Spanish Food Company
Uva blanca de verdejo - Vino blanco español ecológico y vegano - The Spanish Food Company
Aceite de oliva virgen extra - the spanish food company
Aceite de oliva virgen extra - the spanish food company
Sliced ham - The Spanish Food Company
Comprar pata de jamon serrano - The Spanish Food Company

Beyond the Tapas. The Spanish Food Company Blog

Tapa de Pisto (verduras) con atún y huevo de codorniz

Ratatouille with Extra Virgin Olive Oil, the best kept secret of the locals

The ratatouille is a very common and typical dish of Spanish gastronomy, but especially in the gastronomy of the land of Manchego cheese , Castilla la Mancha, because where it originates. The Manchego ratatouille is a dish of rural cuisine that internationally we can find similar dishes such as the well-known French ratatouille.
Ensalada de Bonito del norte con tomates, cebolla, aguacate y aceite de oliva virgen extra sin filtrar - The spanish Food Company

Bonito del Norte salad with tomato, onion and avocado

The tuna salad in olive oil with tomato and onion is a classic of our gastronomy , found on the menus of practically all restaurants. Each one prepares it with their special touches , and ours is no wonder.
Pasta con chorizo - The Spanish Food Company

Recipes with chorizo: Pasta with chorizo, the perfect dish to share

Pasta with chorizo ​​is a recipe where the gastronomic cultures of the Mediterranean are mixed, where by choosing a good Italian pasta (the one you like the most) and a good Iberian chorizo , you can create a unique pasta with Iberian chorizo.
Queso Manchego - The Spanish Food Company

Manchego Cheese, the star of Spanish tapas

Manchego Cheese is undoubtedly one of the products that gives Spain the most fame in terms of its gastronomy. Find out in this post what are the aspects that you should take into account when buying an authentic Manchego cheese and what gives it its Denomination of Origin.
Tapa de Pisto (verduras) con atún y huevo de codorniz

Ratatouille with Extra Virgin Olive Oil, the best kept secret of the locals

The ratatouille is a very common and typical dish of Spanish gastronomy, but especially in the gastronomy of the land of Manchego cheese , Castilla la Mancha, because where it originates. The Manchego ratatouille is a dish of rural cuisine that internationally we can find similar dishes such as the well-known French ratatouille.
Ensalada de Bonito del norte con tomates, cebolla, aguacate y aceite de oliva virgen extra sin filtrar - The spanish Food Company

Bonito del Norte salad with tomato, onion and avocado

The tuna salad in olive oil with tomato and onion is a classic of our gastronomy , found on the menus of practically all restaurants. Each one prepares it with their special touches , and ours is no wonder.
Pasta con chorizo - The Spanish Food Company

Recipes with chorizo: Pasta with chorizo, the perfect dish to share

Pasta with chorizo ​​is a recipe where the gastronomic cultures of the Mediterranean are mixed, where by choosing a good Italian pasta (the one you like the most) and a good Iberian chorizo , you can create a unique pasta with Iberian chorizo.
Queso Manchego - The Spanish Food Company

Manchego Cheese, the star of Spanish tapas

Manchego Cheese is undoubtedly one of the products that gives Spain the most fame in terms of its gastronomy. Find out in this post what are the aspects that you should take into account when buying an authentic Manchego cheese and what gives it its Denomination of Origin.